Proteger al mexicano y construir al ciudadano. La extranjería en los debates del Constituyente de 1917

  • Pablo Yankelevich


The Revolution of 1910 overturned the image and role that Mexican political elites had assigned to foreigners through the nineteenth century. A markedly nationalistic discourse, with xenophobic outlines in some segments of the revolutionary leadership, appeared at the center of the Constituent Assembly of  1917. The tapir of foreigners —their rights, responsibilities, and their significance in national history— were heatedly discussed in both the full session of the Assembly and in the various committees. This study examines several of the polemical debates which occurred when articles dealing with foreigners were submitted to vote. Our interest centers on the discourses surrounding the construction of a Mexican nationality when threatened by interests that supposedly would impede the transition toward greater social justice and democratic politics.


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Dossier: Nación y nacionalismo