Después de la tormenta. Reorganización, activismo y movilización católica en Chihuahua en la época posrevolucionaria (1918-1926)
The extension of the Religious Conflict to the north of Mexico had different times and ways compared to the center-west of the country. The northern region has generally been considered not very Catholic, due to Protestant influence and liberal political tradition, which is why it has been taken for granted that the north did not participate in the Catholic mobilization in response to the anticlerical policies of postrevolutionary governments. This vision began to change since Jean Meyer, in the 1990s, pointed out that in Chihuahua, during the Religious Conflict, took place a notable Catholic social and political activity. Although an armed conflict did not break out in 1927, a vigorous social Catholicism had taken root in Chihuahua and all the major Catholic organizations of the time were present and active. New research confirms that, at least Chihuahua was the scene of intense Catholic activity in the 1920s and 1930s that managed to attenuate and delay the onslaught of official anticlericalism. This paper will address in particular the recovery of regional Catholicism after the armed conflict, evidencing the notable impulse and presence of Catholic social and political organizations in the regional scenario.Downloads
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