Contribución de la Población Indígena Novohispana al Erario Real

  • Natalia Silva Prada Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa


In this article we study the colonial institution of the donativo as a fiscal resource of the Old Regime. Particularly, this work analyses how the Bourbon public finance utilized it as an instrument to gather founds from the native population, to pay the inter-imperial Spain wars. It is in this period (1781-1809) that the political meaning of this tax began to change. We try here to compare the sum paid by this and other sectors of the colonial community and to measure the real impact of the 1781 tax-collecting -as a part of the global mobilization of the recourses- in the process of substitution of the colonial tribute, that was a basic tax of the royal incomes. Especially, we analyze the donativo as a part of the instruments of control over the of the cajas de comunidad founds (community savings) during the following decades.


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