Monsieur Víctor Theubet of “Beauchamp” and the story of a theft of a mexican Independence Act in 1829-1830
The text narrates the trip abroad of a Mexican Independence Act and the subsequent sale of that same document to King Ferdinand VII of Spain, who did not recognize this fait accompli and who also had the intention of recovering the richest and most important colony in America. Parallel to this investigation, it was possible to draw with greater strokes and remove from the shadows the author of the theft of said document, who was not just any character but a Swiss artist of whom nothing was known. Víctor Theubet from Beauchamp author of the album Trajes y Vistas de México, now reveals himself to us with his clearer origins, with specific activities, including being an officer in the army of Napoleon I, but above all with a face that allows us to know him physically thanks to an unpublished portrait.Downloads
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