“Imperial Russia's Perception of Porfirian Mexico, 1890-1911”

  • Evgueni Dik Dovgiallo


This article deals with the Russian official position toward Porfirian Mexico in the context of the establishment and development of diplomatic and commercial relations between both nations. Russian diplomatic reports as well as official press perceived Mexico as a model nation for the rest of Latin-American countries, a nation at the height of industrial development, and an important regional power to maintain peace in Central America. This vision was based on diverse facts, which reflected the economic and international performance of Mexico. The success of Mexico was attributed generally to government policy and especially to the person of Porfirio Diaz.


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Archivo de la Embajada de México en Estados Unidos

Arjiv Vneshnei Politiki Rossiiskoi Imperii

Rossiski Gosudakstveny istoricheski Arjiv

Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Archiv


Boletín Oficial de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

Golos Minuvshego

El imparcial


Vestnik Finansov, Promychlennosti i Torgovli


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Muñoz, L., “El Caribe y México a finales del siglo XIX, 1890-1898”, Revista Mexicana del Caribe, núm. 3, 1997.

Nechaeva, T. Yu, “Inostrannaia Interventsiia v Meksiku v Zerkale Russkoi Pechati”, Latinskaiia Amerika, núm. 1, 1994.

Richardson, W., Mexico Through Russian Eyes 1806-1940, Pittsburgh, University Press, 1988.

Rivera, Leticia, “Desarrollo institucional, reclutamiento, orígenes sociales y profesionalización en la Armada mexicana, 1821-1941”, tesis de maestría, México, UAM, 1999.

Schoonover, Thomas, Los intereses de los Estados Unidos y Europa en las relaciones México-Guatemala, México, Instituto Mora, 1995.

Schoonover, Thomas, “The Spanish-Cuban-America War and the Advance of US Liberal Capitalism in the Caribbean and Pacific Region”, en W. L. Bernecker (comp.), 1898: su significado para Centroamérica y el Caribe, Latinamerika-Studen, 39, Univeristät Erlangen-Nürenberg, 1997.

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