“Alterity and Ambiguity: Spanish and Maya Perceptions of Africans in Colonial Yucatán”

  • Mattew Restall


This article explores the topic of Maya and Spanish actitudes towards people of African ancestry in colonial Yucatan. During the three centuries of colonial rule in the province, relations between Spaniards, Mayas, and blacks became increasingly complex, as miscegenation produced more free mulattos than black slaves by the end of the colonial period and fostered increased black-Maya interaction in town and city. Spanish and Maya attitudes towards Africans accordingly became more complex: this article argues that this complexity took the form of an ambiguity that both perpetuated racist stereotvping and recognized the degree to which people of African origin were intrinsic to the colony's multiracial social networks. In other words, blacks were both included and excluded by Spaniards and Mayas alike a fact reflected in their attitudes towards blacks - and in the development of AfroYucatec identities.


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