Notes on studies of the prehistory of America: the peopling of the continent, from the Pleistocene to the Holocene

  • Alfonso Ramírez Galicia Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Keywords: first peoples, clovis horizon, clovis and pre-clovis sites, datings, techno-typological analysis


Abstract: This article looks at some of the most interesting and polemic poles of the intellectual debate within the field of study of the prehistory of the America, from the last third of the 20th century to the present. It presents an overview of the state of the question —the main problems of this debate, some of the most exciting and promising paths it offers, as well as certain obstacles that remain—. The aim is to provide those who are interested in the current research on the origins and the oldest history of the indigenous peoples of America with a brief thematic and bibliographical introduction.


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