Vigilantes in Western territories in the United States during the second half of the nineteenth century: a model of justice administration outside the law

  • María Estela Báez-Villaseñor Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa
Keywords: vigilantism, law, west, territories, united states


Abstract: Vigilantism appeared in the last decades of the nineteenth century in some Western territories of the United States in process of colonization. These movements were consequence of the way such territories were organized, as well as of the absence and/or ineffectiveness of a formal legislation or authorities enforcing the law. Thus, the purpose of vigilantism was to protect the life and property of the settlers, who actually took the law in their own hands with some degree of violence. This paper examines the characteristics of the vigilante movements in order to trace their impact in the process of territorial organization undergone by Western areas of the United States.


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