El Verlagssystem y las estrategias empresariales

  • Carlos Riojas Departamento de Estudios Regionales, Universidad de Guadalajara
Keywords: protoindustry, verlager, merchants, artisans, kaufssystem


Abstract: The Verlager was a key entrepreneur in protoindustrial societies; arising from its business the historians have built an analytical framework called Verlagssystem. A literature review allows us to highlight the main features of Verlager entrepreneurs and to know the obstacles that they faced during the protoindustrial phase. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to place the role of Verlagssystem in protoindustrial discussion, to analyze business initiatives under this context, to expose the participation of Verlager as organizer of the manufacture activities, to emphasize building relationships between this actor and the peasants-artisans, to describe Verlager’s intervention in the artisanal sphere, to refer to Kaufssystem as a previous stage of Verlagssystem, to reflex on the organization of production throughout space under the interference of Verlager and to study how Verlagssystem took a deeper dynamic when the goods went to supra-regional markets.


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