Las ambigüedades de la “historia desde abajo” de E. P. Thompson: las herramientas del historiador entre la forma, el compromiso político y las disposiciones sociales

  • Alejandro Estrella González Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Keywords: history from below, e.p. thompson, social history, intellectual field, social disposition


Abstract: This article makes a formal and sociological criticism of the theoretical model of “history from below” by E.P. Thompson. Understood as a reflexivity exercise about social history results, it pursues these goals. First, to discuss the identity between “history from below” and a specific historical subject matter to show that “history from below” is a theoretical model which can go beyond its context of production, and work in different research contexts of production and research contexts. Secondly, to discuss the autonomy of this model and to point out that its contents, although formalized, still refer to external logics of intellectual fields. For example: political commitments acquired by the historian or the social by them incorporated. To value this ambiguity essential to the “history from below” model, I rebuild the filters and mediations through which it achieves a polyphony that makes it possible to simultaneously speak several discourses.


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