“Confession, interiority and subjectivity: subject, action, and narrative in early nineteenth-century Mexico”

  • Eric Van Young


This article analyzes the statements made by the accused of insurgency during the independentist rebellion and compares them with the statements of the French homicide Pierre Rivière as examples of the emergence of new popular perceptions about political agency and peasant identity. The essay is a reflection on the possibilities offered to historical research by judicial sources in which political accusations and personal narratives are combined. This includes an examination of the methodological problems and the theoretical approaches raised by this kind of texts. The discussion suggests that the colonial state and the cultural traditions of colonial Mexico present a terrain that was not amenable to develop notions of the political subject after European liberal models.


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Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Documentos para la historia de México.

Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), México.

Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Operaciones de Guerra.

Biblioteca Pública del Estado (BPE-Jalisco), Guadalajara.

Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin, Hernández y Dávalos Collection, 4,429.


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Dossier: Historia cultural: fuentes, categorías y debates